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Leaking Nipples

By: Steven Goodman - Updated: 27 Nov 2017 | comments*Discuss
Leaking Nipples Nipple Leaking Breasts

The thought of leaking nipples or a discharge from the breasts may seem a bit unnerving to some women. Whether leaking nipples are something to be concerned about depends on when the discharge from the nipple is occurring. Of course it is perfectly normal for women who are breast-feeding to have leaking nipples. But even for women who are not breast feeding leaking nipples can be routine and usually 100% benign – again it all depends on when the discharge is occurring and the nature of what is leaking from the nipple.

It is completely normal for nipples to leak when they are pinched or squeezed or stimulated in any manner. Squeezing or otherwise stimulating the nipple sends a signal to the brain to the pituitary gland to release prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production. The release of prolactin in turn causes the nipple to “leak”. This ordinary discharge is not necessarily white, in can also be grey or greenish. Certain women are more prone to leaking nipples than others. Certain medications such as birth control pills and some high blood pressure medications increase the level of prolactin, and can increase the likelihood of breast discharge or leaking nipples. There are certain periods of time when any woman is more likely to experience leaking nipples. Both at the onset of puberty and the onset of menopause there can be a greater tendency for nipples to leak. Also in the weeks leading up to your menstrual period, nipples may leak.

So when Should I be Concerned?

Studies have shown that as many as 85% of women can cause some amount of discharge from their nipples by squeezing and stimulation. Since most nipple discharge is normal, the time to be concerned is if the discharge happens spontaneously. In other words if your nipples just start to leak with no apparent squeezing or stimulation. Also if the occurrence is very frequent. If one nipple seems to be leaking and not the other, this can indicate a problem. If the discharge is sticky like the white of an egg, or there is any indication of blood in the fluid – these are reasons to see your doctor. Any of these types of nipple discharge could be indicative of some kind of underlying problem.

Any unusual nipple leaking should be brought to the attention of your healthcare provider for proper evaluation. Again most of the time leaking nipples is normal and benign, and should stop on its own.

What Problems Could Leaking Nipples Indicate?

While it is more than likely that your leaking nipples are not any cause for alarm, there are times when a nipple discharge can be indicative of something serious. If you are not nursing and the fluid comes out like milk and is free flowing, you should have your prolactin levels checked. Over production of prolactin in non-lactating women can be indicative a pituitary problem. Your doctor may want to check your thyroid, as certain thyroid imbalances can cause unusual nipple discharges.

Nipples can get infected. Leaking nipples could on some occasions indicate an infection of the nipple. In fact though exceedingly rare even men can have a nipple infection that could lead to a discharge. Any leaking from the nipples in men is not normal and should be looked at by medical professionals immediately. Again in woman though almost all cases of leaking nipples are harmless.

Breast Cancer

Every women is concerned about breast cancer – and rightly so. Women are instructed to be very conscious of their breasts and to be aware of any changes. The first fear that may come to mind from leaking nipples is the specter of breast cancer. In rare instances leaking nipples are indicative of breast cancer. But in less than 2% of the time are leaking nipples a sign of breast cancer. And there will usually be some other sign accompanying the discharge such as a lump.

The main thing to keep in mind is that while most of the time leaking nipples is nothing to be concerned about, women need to be aware of what their bodies, especially their breasts may be trying to tell them. Any changes in your breasts or nipples that make you uncomfortable should be brought to your Doctor’s Attention. Better safe than sorry.

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Farida Khan - Your Question:
I am 42 years old and my both nipples sometimes discharge of greenish yellowish stuff. I don’t know what to do ? Can you please help me.

Our Response:
You should really ask your doctor about this as we can't answer individual medical questions.
EmbarrassingIssues - 28-Nov-17 @ 12:31 PM
I am 42 years old and my both nipples sometimes discharge of greenish yellowish stuff. I don’t know what to do ? Can you please help me .
Farida Khan - 27-Nov-17 @ 9:39 AM
Fendy- Your Question:
Please am 17 just noticed that my breast has produced breast milk am not pregnant, am scared. I want to know if am really ok.

Our Response:
We can't answer individual questions here as we really don't have enough information, but please just pop to your your GP who will be able to tell you exactly what's happening and reassure you.
EmbarrassingIssues - 16-Aug-17 @ 1:43 PM
Please am 17 just noticed that my breast has produced breast milk am not pregnant, am scared.. I want to know if am really ok..
Fendy - 14-Aug-17 @ 5:20 PM
MC - Your Question:
Can you please help me? Because my left breast is very itchy and I have itched it and now my breast has become red and there is liquid coming out and bits of brown in the white liquid has stained on my top. It really hurts and itches. I am only 12 years old and I don't wear a bra. Is that bad? Do I have cancer?

Our Response:
Ask a parent to take you to the doctor to get it checked out. It's unlikely to be cancer, so don't worry at this stage, but you must get it looked at by a professional.
EmbarrassingIssues - 22-May-17 @ 12:35 PM
Can you please help me? Because my left breast is very itchy and I have itched it and now my breast has become red and there is liquid coming out and bits of brown in the white liquid has stained on my top. It really hurts and itches. I am only 12 years old and I don't wear a bra. Is that bad? Do I have cancer?
MC - 21-May-17 @ 12:16 AM
Izzy - Your Question:
I'm 13 and I've started my period. I just had my period and it ended about 2-6 days ago. And I have this clear oily stuff come from my nipple. The discharge is kind of scaring me. I don't wanna have breast cancer or a tumer or a cyst or something like that. If you could just put my mind at ease it would help so much. Thank you.

Our Response:
There can be lots of straightforward reasons for discharge as the article says. It's always advisable to get your doctor to check out anything like this though.
EmbarrassingIssues - 7-Apr-17 @ 12:00 PM
I'm 13 and I've started my period. I just had my period and it ended about 2-6 days ago. And I have this clear oily stuff come from my nipple. The discharge is kind of scaring me. I don't wanna have breast cancer or a tumer or a cyst or something like that. If you could just put my mind at ease it would help so much. Thank you.
Izzy - 1-Apr-17 @ 2:50 AM
Maricela - Your Question:
Im barely 13 years old and started my period last year , I don't know if it's the right place to ask this but I have like a butt sore right under my buttbone and well everytime I lean on it it hurts and starts bleeding a month later I get flaky eyelids and now I have flaky aerolas what do I do !?

Our Response:
Make an appointment to see your GP, they will be able to reassure you and provide treatment.
EmbarrassingIssues - 6-Mar-17 @ 10:47 AM
Im barely 13 years old and started my period last year , I don't know if it's the right place to ask this but I have like a butt sore right under my buttbone and well everytime I lean on it it hurts and starts bleeding a month later I get flaky eyelids and now I have flaky aerolas what do I do !?
Maricela - 3-Mar-17 @ 7:20 AM
I am 41 years old and I am wet threw in the mornings from leakage from both breasts. I have not had a period for over a year and am concerned.
Cb - 17-Jan-17 @ 11:41 AM
I'm 12yrs old and I just got home from my aunts house for New Years. I was getting undressed and took off my bra, but when I look at my "chest" there was like white crusty stuff of my both of my nipples. I squeezed them a little to see if anything would come out but nothing did, it was only looked white and a little creamy inside. Is this just discharge or should I be concerned if there is something wrong. Yes I am going through puberty so I still don't know much or what this means. I rlly want to know what is wrong or if it's ok.
Keaya - 1-Jan-17 @ 5:58 AM
I'm 15 years old and started my period around a year ago. Today i noticed a brown stain in my nice white bra and was really confused. I checked and i hadn't cut myself but a brownish liquid started coming from one boob when i squeezed it. My boob feels a bit harder than the other but i'm really worried. I'm definitely not pregnant so it can't be that. Please help i'm really scared.
G - 28-Nov-16 @ 9:02 PM
one of my breast has just stopped leaking while the other one has not stopped... this happened after i stopped breastfeeding. what could be the problem ?
kellen - 27-Nov-16 @ 6:49 AM
Hello,my gf is now 19 yrs old,but From 1 week when she press her breast some creamy milk type liquid comes from her breast, She is not pregnant. Her breast is become loose not tight,why this is happening ? ?? And is it a worried matter?Pls tell me,it's solution
pink - 16-Nov-16 @ 4:19 PM
Hi I'm just after turning 13 and this morning I woke up and accidentally hit my breast. Later it started hurting around 2 hours later and I thought I just bruised it till I had a check to make sure it was just a bruise but it was bright red and swollen and very sore to touch and warm. I let it be then later in my room it was leaking a whitish clear colour and I'm on my period so is there something wrong that's worrying or should i leave it be?
BerryPie0927 - 19-Oct-16 @ 8:07 PM
I want to know should I be worried about my right breast. It leaks a clear/reddish Brown color fluid from it but my left breast don't.. I'm 46yrs old now and this been going on for a month. I remember when I was in my 20's I had a nice cupcake round size lump in the same breast and the Dr said it was a mass, something like silicone. I've been notice the mass is not here anymore. It's now leaking a clear/reddish Brown color.. My Dr say he THINKS it can be inflammation. I says that I think my Dr really don't know. Please give me some insights on my situation. Thanks
Jacci - 14-Oct-16 @ 4:48 PM
Ash - Your Question:
There is often a white milky liquid coming out when I squeeze my nipple. I know for a fact that I'm not pregnant. Should I be worried?

Our Response:
While there are perfectly normal reasons for leaking nipples, you always see your GP to ascertain the reason for yours.
EmbarrassingIssues - 8-Aug-16 @ 11:57 AM
There is often a white milky liquid coming out when I squeeze my nipple. I know for a fact that I'm not pregnant. Should I be worried?
Ash - 7-Aug-16 @ 8:11 PM
Hi its a week now my nipples hve watery discharge does that mean am pregnant am realy scared nd confused help please
mroza - 30-May-16 @ 4:20 PM
MusicAddict - Your Question:
I'm almost 12 and I noticed yellowish liquid coming out of one of my breasts, I haven't had my period yet but I have had very small cramps, could this mean I might get my period soon?

Our Response:
It's not that unusual during puberty, but it might be worth having a word with your mum or someone else who cares for you, for reassurance.
EmbarrassingIssues - 25-May-16 @ 1:52 PM
I'm almost 12 and I noticed yellowish liquid coming out of one of my breasts, I haven't had my period yet but I have had very small cramps, could this mean I might get my period soon?
MusicAddict - 25-May-16 @ 2:58 AM
Hi I'm 12 years old and my left breast had pain in the morning and I was like ' Oh my period is coming' so i chose to ignore it. Next day in the evening I start to notice that there's like this huge lump inside my left breast on my areola, so like a pimple I squeezed it and white milky stuff came out I told my mom and she was like ' well it means you are pregnant ' and I was shocked cause I am not sexually active. Any advice?
Wami - 11-May-16 @ 9:07 PM
Hi my partner is getting discharge from her left nipple whiteish discharge constant and its only from one nipple. Ive read up on a few sites and what they think but everyone seems to say same thing if its one breast and its constant and whiteish discharge maybe we should be alarmed. Just want a final answer for sure Thanks
Bills - 30-Dec-15 @ 10:31 PM
Hi im 13 and my nipple is just itchy and sticky im pretty worried about this i mean what's the cause of it and should i see a doctor
13 - 19-Dec-15 @ 3:16 PM
Hi awhile back I noticed discharge caming out of my nipples when squeezedso I went to the doctors they referred me to breast clinic they said everything was fine they also said leave your breasts for awhile which I have done and when I squeezed them now it is still happening I would of thought it would automatically disappeared
Bradbrook24 - 14-Dec-15 @ 10:44 PM
Hannah - Your Question:
Hi I'm 15 and have had a white dry substance appear on my nipples for about 3-4 years. And I've had a little bump on my areola for the same amount of time. Do you have any idea of what it could be? Could it be cancer?

Our Response:
We really can't comment on individual questions like this. Please go and see your GP who is the most qualified to actually answer your question.
EmbarrassingIssues - 7-Dec-15 @ 11:17 AM
Hi I'm 15 and have had a white dry substance appear on my nipples for about 3-4 years. And I've had a little bump on my areola for the same amount of time. Do you have any idea of what it could be? Could it be cancer?
Hannah - 4-Dec-15 @ 12:50 AM
lulu - Your Question:
Hi I am 26 and I have never menstruated.y breasts are small nd they are painful sometimes. will I ever menstruat. help pls

Our Response:
You should see your doctor about this. There may be a simple explanation/ treatment available.
EmbarrassingIssues - 24-Nov-15 @ 11:13 AM
hi I am 26 and I have never menstruated.y breasts are small nd they are painful sometimes. will I ever menstruat. help pls
lulu - 23-Nov-15 @ 4:33 AM
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