Other Problems...
Below are our articles on the subject of Other Problems. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Adult Bed Wetting
Bed wetting may be an important clue to a physical or mental health concern, but it is also embarrassing for many adults. Understanding what could be causing your…...

Anal & Genital Warts
Genital and anal warts effect the genitalia of both men and women. Genital and anal warts are spread through sexual contact...

Anal Bleeding and What Could be the Cause
Anal bleeding can be embarrassing, but it is also a message that your health may be at risk. Understanding the common causes of anal/rectal bleeding allows you to view…...

Belly Button Discharge
Occasionally the simple innocuous belly button can be the site of an embarrassing, often unpleasant smelling discharge....

Constipation effects everyone at some point or another. Constipation is at its least uncomfortable and stressful, at its worse, chronic constipation can lead to…...

Coping With a Speech Impediment
Living with a speech impediment can be an embarrassment for those old enough to understand that their speech is not fluent....

Coping With Excessive Skin Tags
Some people are more prone to developing skin tags than others, and some people are prone to developing an excessive number of skin tags. There are many reasons skin…...

Coping With Memory Loss
There is no denying that experiencing memory loss can be embarrassing, both for you and the person who must watch you struggle to come up with information....

Coping With Pruritus Ani
There are many causes of anal itching or Pruritus Ani. Most of the time Anal itching though uncomfortable, is rarely indicative of a serous disease state....

Dealing With Impetigo
Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin and is most often seen in young children. Often related to poor hygiene it has a history of being considered an…...

Diarrhoea is problem that almost everybody has had to deal with from one time or another. Diarrhoea effects men, women, and children. Diarrhoea is clinically defined…...

Excessive Sweating
Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating can effect any body part normally associated with sweat glands. People can experience excessive sweating from the underarms of…...

Frequent Urination and How to Treat it
Frequent urination can become embarrassing and uncomfortable, and sometimes it can be a symptom of a more serious underlying health concern....

Herpes and Blisters on the Body
Herpes is a viral infection that can result in cold sores or the more commonly considered embarrassing genital form depending on which type of herpes it is....

There are many types of urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence – the lack of ability to control elimination of liquid waste. Urinary incontinence effects both men…...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is actually one of the most common conditions diagnosed by doctors. The symptoms of IBS for the most part can be controlled through lifestyle changes and medications....

Living With and Treatments for Haemorrhoids
Haemorrhoids are caused as the vessels of the rectum and anus become enlarged due to a build of pressure from within....

Loss of Libido
Loss of libido or sexual desire cab effect both men and women....

A mole can be described as any small dark spot on the skin. Moles can appear almost anywhere on the body, and can be of a variety of shapes and coloration....

Piles are exceedingly common, almost every adult will experience them at some time or another....

Puberty Issues
Precocious Puberty, Puberty, Early Onset of Puberty, Period, menstruation, first period, first menstrual cycle...

Vaginal thrush is caused by the yeast candida. Candida is a microbe that normally lives in and around the skin of the vagina...

Treatments for Snoring
Snoring may be at its least an annoyance for sleep-mates, at its worst it can cause lack of sleep, or be indicative of more serious health problems....

Types of Skin Scars
Scars are part of the healing process. Scars are fibrous tissue that replace skin or other tissue after an injury....

Unwanted Hair
Most women fight a daily battle with unwanted hair growth on their legs, under their arms, feet, toes, intimate areas, and yes the face....

What Are Shakes?
Shakes can have an extremely debilitating effect on lifestyle. Simple everyday tasks such as pouring a cup of tea can become impossible....

What Causes Worms and How are they Treated?
Worms are embarrassing infections, but ones that must be recognised and treated. Understanding what it means to have worms, how worms are contracted, the symptoms of…...

Wind is a normal bodily function. Even excessive wind is unlikely to be indicative of any serious pathological issue, and can usually be corrected through dietary changes...