Seeking Help...
Below are our articles on the subject of Seeking Help. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Confronting a Loved One's Embarrassing Behaviour
Confronting a loved one’s embarrassing behaviours can be awkward for all involved, but if you don’t do it then more hurt and embarrassment could flourish in the…...
Exploring Poor Hearing
Many adults are embarrassed by declining hearing, even when it is evident to themselves and their loved ones that they are unable to hear as well as they did in the…...
Helping Someone Else Seek Help
Helping someone else seek help for an embarrassing condition will likely require dedicating your own time and energy to try to solve the problem. Discussing your…...
Incontinence During Pregnancy
Incontinence during pregnancy is relatively common though many women prefer not to talk about what they perceive as an embarrassing condition. Understanding the causes…...
My Urine Has Gone an Odd Colour
Urine should usually be clear and a straw yellow - however, there are times that urine can turn all kinds of different colours. The cause is usually harmless -…...
Preparing for a GP Visit
Preparing for a GP visit not only makes you feel more confident about your appointment, but more in control of your own health....
Talking to an Adolescent About Hygiene
Talking to an adolescent about hygiene has the potential to be embarrassing for you both, but speaking frankly and privately should help alleviate some of the tension....
Talking to an Elderly Person About Hygiene
Talking to an elderly person about hygiene is a delicate situation. Show older adults the respect they deserve, look at their limited hygiene routines to determine if…...
Telling Someone About an Embarrassing Issue
Telling someone about an embarrassing issue is one of the hardest conversations you can have. Whether the embarrassing issue is theirs or yours, such conversations…...
What are Boils and How Can I Treat Them?
Boils are ugly to look at and embarrassing to suffer. Recognising the symptoms of boils, how to treat them, what complications could result from them and how to avoid…...